Sunday, April 5, 2020

More of the Year that I have Been Waiting for...

....Department of Jupiter on the Midheaven

I've never forgotten once saying that if you were a window cleaner and had Jupiter on the Midheaven "Whaddaya gonna do? Clean big windows?" (Sorry Michael.)

As I'm a very private person with a longing for fame and recognition (astro-language;  Aries twelfth house Sun with a south node in Capricorn in the ninth, see "Sorry Michael" above, letting anyone who doesn't know me but stumbles across this (good luck if MY attempting to get in is any example) will think ML and I are best pals and meet once a week for lunch)  it made quite an impression on me, and I've been thinking about it and wondering how it will manifest for quite a while, see post title.

Praise the Lord I was fortunate enough to be able to study with ML for several years, so to find myself alone with Jupiter on the Midheaven in a beautiful house BofA allows me to say I own at the end of a dead end OFF a dead end on six acres on the outskirts of a small town in New Mexico piddling around gardening and rearranging furniture gave me a great deal of pleasure, and to actually get on to this blog and write even more of the same.

At some point in the near future, dear readers, I plan to write more about this year I have been waiting for, why I knew I had to wait for it and how my *plans* to document it on here have gone just a little awry.  I hope it will not make you thwow up.

And as for today bringing me all my north node joys and none of my south node obsessions, I do get two more goes of J on the MC before the year is out. Hah!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Saturn square Venus.....

..... and Sun opposed to Chiron at the same time and once again it seemed the best thing to do was stay home - not just stay home but stay in bed and plod on with The Given Day. Felt more like paralysis than just staying in bed but there you go - Saturn to the rescue (hah!) soon.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Curiouser and Curiouser

So yesterday, as described at great length, I was finally able to finagle my way in here and post - a post which seems to have disappeared completely, except that later in the day, continuing my efforts to get back into my two blogs, I fell across a version of this one that had all my posts archived, all the way back to 2009 when I started it.

Now if I could only get in to nearly-everyday-astrology I could do a cut and paste and get it all in one place, except nearly-everyday-astrology has vanished as well.....

Sunday, March 15, 2020

North Node to Saturn in the Third....

... and Sun to Part of Fortune in the Twelfth - what else to do but stay at home all day and read?

The Year that I've Been Waiting For

I've known 2020 would be a Big Year for me for at least 20 years and was all set in January to chronicle it for myself and anyone else who happened to stumble across this blog, except I hadn't written anything on here for years and when I tried to access it all I got was "You do not have permission to access this site (or something like that). Please log out and log in again as a different user."

I did - time and time again - fumbling through my high-tech three by fives covered in scribbles and crossings out that are my analog equivalent to Keychain, yet another software program designed to make life easier that I've never been able to figure out, and no matter how many times I logged out of one Google account and managed to find the password for another and got in again all I ever got was "You do not have permission to access this site. Please log out and log in again as a different user."

At least a week ago inspiration struck and I decided to circumvent all of the above and try going directly to Blogger, which in some miraculous way didn't care what my user name or password was and brought me directly here - not exactly where I wanted to go (my intended destination was almosteverydayastrology, the second blog I started years ago probably because I could never get into this one) - but never mind.

I was in and ready to post, except I was so stunned I didn't, promptly forgot that that was how to get in and tried going directly to the blog several times in the past week, being denied access every time.

And lo and behold! With Mars trine Jupiter due to perfect in a couple of hours, here in my little  beddie  (actually it's full size) with one cat asleep between my feet and the other one sitting motionless on the table staring out the window at the great outdoors and only two and a half months into this year that I've been waiting for ever since I realized something life-changing was going to happen for me and everybody else in the world I'm in! I can post! My voice will be heard haha if anyone is alive to hear (read read) it.

All glory to the heavens or something. I've conquered Google. Onward and upward.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mercury square the Nodes

Spent four hours this afternoon trying to get the printer to do what it's supposed to do - print - with no success whatsoever. Every time I tried, the job I needed printing went straight to the completed side of the printer box and showed up, complete with current time, as having printed, but nothing ever showed up in the print queue. 

A couple of times I got the blue and white barber pole indicating that the job was being sent, but the pole just went on turning and nothing happened. I re-installed the software, uninstalled the software, downloaded and installed new software, unplugged the printer, unplugged the computer, booted off and on in every order I could think of - nothing. 

Eventually, long after I *should* have given up, I did, and as it was Sunday, didn't even try tech support but decided to do it bright and early Monday.
